
Laravel Dockerized is a complete, functioning production deployment to a VPS. We integrated Traefik to offload SSL to services allowing you to route more containers to your CNAME additions giving you full control of your services and domain from Docker. We also added a convenient CI/CD opportunity by allowing your own VCS additions.

View the Project on GitHub Kyle-Jeynes/Laravel-Dockerized

Laravel-Dockerized Walkthrough

Ensure you have installed Docker and Docker Compose.

Visit GoDaddy’s Developer Portal and press API Keys: sign in and select prod, then make a note of these keys.

Clone or download the latest release from the releases and add your keys to the traefik/.env file. Change the domain.tld to yours also.

Building The Traefik Container

Navigate to your traefik directory and build your containers.

cd traefik && docker-compose up -d --build

Running docker-compose ps should now show you a traefik container running. The health check can be ignored in the future, but on first bootup it should be healthy.

Using VCS To Grab Your Laravel Project

FTP shouldn’t be used in production, so we added the ability to use VCS with ease from Github to host your project files. Clone it into laravel/src

git clone laravel/src

Edit your laravel/src/.env file using the laravel/.production.example.env as an aid for DDNS to containers then run:

cd laravel && docker-compose up -d --build

Using Composer And Interacting With The Container

docker exec -it -u root laravel_laravel-php_1 /bin/bash
curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
composer install --no-dev
php artisan generate:key
php artisan migrate --force

Fixing HTTP over HTTPS issue

Information on the issue can be found here. You need to alter your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php and ensure your laravel/src/.env is not set to local.

public function register() {
    if (env('APP_ENV') !== 'local') {
        $this->app['request']->server->set('HTTPS', true);

Fail2Ban For Production

After performing all these tasks, you’ll need to remove the symlink for the nginx containers access.log. By default, it points to /dev/stdout to enable docker logs to work. We need to unlink this. seems to have template issues in code so the below is missing. Please see the actual on Github for this code below.

unlink "`docker volume inspect --format '' laravel_nginx-log`/access.log"
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate # recreate with new changes

If you would like the logs to still write to stdout, you can run tail -f on the access.log in the nginx container. Or just use docker exec -it laravel_fail2ban_1 /bin/bash -c 'tail -f /var/log/access.log'